The Body Shop hold a Christmas event each year in support of a chosen Charity. This year the event was inspired by dreams and making them happen in support of Plan international who advance children's rights and equality for girls around the world.
It was a real honour to be invited to speak alongside Nicole Crentsil Culture curator & CEO of black Girl fest, Megan Crabbe author of 'Body Positive Power', Dr Anita Mitra Leading Gynaecologist and author of 'The Gynae Geek' and Sonny Turner body positive muse & Model.
We discussed our journey's & dreams and despite the differences of our respective fields, found similarities in our efforts to making these goals happen. One thing that stood out, was that everyone had faced adversity in some shape or form and through that we had learnt and found a way to progress from that point, which was an important moment in all of our journey's.
There was something really uplifting about being involved in this event. The body shop created a dream like world which was really playful and imaginative. The environment, as well as being amongst amazing people, really left me feeling inspired and empowered.
